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Title |
Summary |
ISO 19115 |
Info |
Background Info |
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Institution |
Dataset ID |
/erddap/griddap/avhrr-coldest-pixel |
/erddap/griddap/avhrr-coldest-pixel.graph |
/erddap/wms/avhrr-coldest-pixel/request |
/erddap/files/avhrr-coldest-pixel/ |
Daily Daylight-Hours AVHRR Coldest Pixel Composite |
This product is a daily coldest pixel composite using NOAA-Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) declouded based on reflectivity in the visible spectrum. This method of declouding is limited to daylight hours, but lets in cold water that often gets flagged as clouds based on other declouding algorithms, making this product a useful tool for identifying upwelling regions and storm cooling earlier than they are typically seen in other SST products.
cdm_data_type = Grid
VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][z][latitude][longitude]):
sst (coldest pixel composite sea surface temperature, degree_C)
sst_qc_flag (sea surface temperature quality control flag)
/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/avhrr-coldest-pixel_fgdc.xml |
/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/avhrr-coldest-pixel_iso19115.xml |
/erddap/info/avhrr-coldest-pixel/index.xhtml | | |
/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=avhrr-coldest-pixel&showErrors=false&email= |
Rutgers University |
avhrr-coldest-pixel |
/erddap/griddap/goes_24h_composite |
/erddap/griddap/goes_24h_composite.graph |
/erddap/wms/goes_24h_composite/request |
GOES 24-Hour Spike Filter and UD Declouding Composite |
This daily product is a combination of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-16 composites designed specifically for ingestion in the the RU-Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) wind model. The specific products and methodology used throughout the time-series will vary; check individual file attributes and/or included_images variable for details on specific composites (products included, time period included, etc). A 24-hour GOES composite using traditional declouding will always be included if available. When relevant, particularly during summer (upwelling) and fall (storm mixing), composites based on spike-filter declouding following Murphy et al. (2021), or gap-filled DinEOF reconstructions based on the spike-filtered data, will also be included in this product. The spike filter method of declouding relies on detection of fast-moving clouds and is more likely to preserve anomalously cold water (e.g. due to upwelling or storm mixing events) than traditional declouding methods.
cdm_data_type = Grid
VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth][latitude][longitude]):
sst (cold-water preserving sea surface temperature, degree_C)
sst_qc_flag (sea surface temperature quality control flag)
/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/goes_24h_composite_fgdc.xml |
/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/goes_24h_composite_iso19115.xml |
/erddap/info/goes_24h_composite/index.xhtml |; | |
/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=goes_24h_composite&showErrors=false&email= |
Rutgers University, University of Delaware |
goes_24h_composite |
/erddap/griddap/wrf-grid-archive |
/erddap/griddap/wrf-grid-archive.graph |
/erddap/wms/wrf-grid-archive/request |
/erddap/files/wrf-grid-archive/ |
RU-WRF 3km Model Winds Archive |
Wind data extracted from the RU-Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) model. The model is run daily at 00Z with forecast files saved every hour. Times in this file are UTC based on the forecast time. The forecast_offset specifies how many hours of model spin up are allowed before the data is included in this virtual time-series archive for a given day. For example, a value of 6 means the first 6 hours of data for a day are actually extracted from the previous day's model run.
cdm_data_type = Grid
VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][z][latitude][longitude]):
eastward_wind (U-component of wind, m s-1)
northward_wind (V-component of wind, m s-1)
wind_speed (m s-1)
wind_from_direction (Wind Direction, degree)
/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/wrf-grid-archive_fgdc.xml |
/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/wrf-grid-archive_iso19115.xml |
/erddap/info/wrf-grid-archive/index.xhtml | | |
/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=wrf-grid-archive&showErrors=false&email= |
Rutgers University |
wrf-grid-archive |